Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Football Generation?!

"Yes, I am having a good day. Oh and I WILL be watching the crows tonight"

"Good for you dude..."

I can hear the someone over the back fence with the radio of the football going. It sounds like some guy is commentating a child birth...

I so don't get it, I just don't. I mean I'm not the girliest girl in the world, but I can't get into the footy. I don't want to even try. It's constancy in the news pisses me off. Guys hugging, grabbing each others asses, basically... I mean what the heck.

I don't know. I'm going to stick to soccer, or better yet, my lovely Facebook. No time for football.

Damn I wish Facebook was an undownloadable program, because I seem to spend all my time on it, but I never end up anywhere, I mean what have I accomplished at the end of a wasted night...


Anyway, I'm going to go for a run, before it gets too much darker.

Peace out,
from Bayley.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Essays for breakfast, lunch and tea...

So we all know we shouldn't leave assignments to the last minute. But the temptation of drinking, sleeping and watching television just seems to help overpower any feelings of motivation you might have to complete such tasks.

So I have this essay due tomorrow. It's for a subject called Inter-media, and it's an essay about the convergent and/or inter-medial qualities of catching a public bus. I've done 700 odd words, omitting so far the introduction and conclusion.

I bet you all have the problem, cause I sure d, where you must write about 1500 words, and you get to half that and feel like you can't make any more points...

One day I want to just hand up a 10 word sentence as answer to an essay question. But hang on... the definition of essay according to states an essay is:

a short literary composition on a particular theme or subject, usually in prose and generally analytic, speculative, or interpretative.

It begs the question to be asked, how short is short :)

Anyway, I have to go own this essay in the butt-hole. So until next time, world peace.